Brad Thor is an American thriller novelist, best known for his series featuring the fictional character Scot Harvath, a former Navy SEAL turned Secret Service Agent, counterterrorism operative and occasional big-game hunter.
Brad Thor was born on August 21, 1969, in Chicago, Illinois.
He worked for the Department of Homeland Security, analyzing potential terrorist threats.
Thor's first book, 'The Lions of Lucerne', was published in 2002 and marked the debut of the Scot Harvath character.
Tom Clancy is an American author best known for his technically detailed espionage and military-science story lines set during and after the Cold War.
Vince Flynn was an American author of political thriller novels. He created the character of Mitch Rapp, a counter-terrorism operative employed, first unofficially then officially, by the CIA.
Lee Child is a British author known for his Jack Reacher series of books. He is known for his thriller and suspense novels.
The Lions of Lucerne is the first thriller novel by Brad Thor and the first book in the Scot Harvath series, published in 2002.
Code of Conduct is a political thriller novel written by Brad Thor and published in 2015. It is the fourteenth book in the Scot Harvath series.
Black List is a political thriller novel written by Brad Thor and published in 2013. It is the eleventh book in the Scot Harvath series.
Brad Thor's most popular books are The Lions of Lucerne, Code of Conduct, and Black List.
Brad Thor is known for his series featuring the fictional character Scot Harvath, a former Navy SEAL turned Secret Service Agent, counterterrorism operative.
Brad Thor writes in the thriller and suspense genre.
Brad Thor's books can be found in most bookstores, as well as on online retailers such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Not yet, but many of his books, including The Lions of Lucerne, have been optioned for film adaptations.